Project 1 Setup

The video above covers steps 2-6. If you need help completing step 1, there is a separate video walkthrough for that.

  1. You will use the project and repo you created when completing the instructions to connect Glitch and GitHub.
  2. Before starting to write any HTML, you must first create a branch off the master branch. Name your new branch resume.
  3. After you’ve created your new branch and are working on the resume branch, add a new file named index.html
  4. Open the new index.html and, in your text editor, type an exclamation mark ! and press Tab.
    • This shortcut should create the default structure for your HTML document.
    • If, for whatever reason, this does not work for you, you can instead copy the HTML from this file and paste it into your index.html file.
  5. After you’ve saved your index.html, stage your changes and make a commit (example commit message: “Created HTML document.”)
  6. Push your changes up to GitHub; you should now see a matching copy of the index.html in your GitHub repo and on the Glitch project page.

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