01 // Intro to the course + your text editor
Before our sync up this week, please read the following 2 links.
- Read my welcome notes
- Get familiar with and sorted with Zoom
Sync Up
This section outlines what we’ll do in our time together this week. You will receive an email from me with a Zoom link, meeting time(s) and other relevant details.
- Introductions
- Review the syllabus
- What we know activity
- Explore the course web site
- Discuss week one plan and expectations
- Explain options for troubleshooting
This section outlines things you will do outside of our synced up time and before the next class meeting.
Please complete the following by the end of the day (in your timezone) 9/4:
- Follow the instructions to join the class Slack, if you haven’t done so already
- Complete the intro survey
- Let me know which times work for you for our future sync-up meetings
- Read the two links under intro above, if you have not already done so
💡 Because the readings provide important context for the activities, I recommend doing the following in order. Please complete the following before our next sync up:
- Learn a little bit about a lot of things:
- web browsers (and download one of the recommended browsers)
- the tools we’ll be using throughout the course and create accounts there:
If git and GitHub are new to you or you want a decent refresher, read this introduction to gitFollowing and reading this link is optional.✳️
- Get your new Glitch and GitHub accounts talking to each other; learn how
- Do the week one reading and assignment