01 // Intro to the course + your text editor


Before our sync up this week, please read the following 2 links.

Sync Up

This section outlines what we’ll do in our time together this week. You will receive an email from me with a Zoom link, meeting time(s) and other relevant details.

  1. Introductions
  2. Review the syllabus
  3. First impressions activity
  4. Explore the course web site
  5. Discuss week one plan and expectations
  6. Explain options for troubleshooting


This section outlines things you will do outside of our synced up time and before the next class meeting.

Please complete the following by the end of the day (in your timezone) 9/4:

💡 Because the readings provide important context for the activities, I recommend doing the following in order. Please complete the following before our next sync up:

Make this page better.

Found something that's incorrect or confusing on this page? Broken link? I want to know! Open an issue on GitHub to tell me what's up and help me update the page.