1 min read

Troubleshooting tips

If you’re reading this page because something in your current exercise or project is broken, first and foremost:

Cartoon person is sitting in a yoga pose, eyes closed and breathing calmly. Text says Take A Deep Breath.

Remember: Troubleshooting is a normal part of the coding process. Here are some tips to help you to identify where issues are in your code and for solving those issues:

🧹 Clean up/organize your code

  • Make sure you have proper indentation; this makes it easier to find missing closing tags in HTML or closing brackets in CSS.
  • Alphabetize your CSS properties; this makes it easier to spot if you have written a rule that is overriding another.

🔍 Review your code for:

  • misspelled properties, elements or classnames
  • mismatched classnames (e.g., the classname in your HTML and CSS don’t match)
  • missing brackets or semicolons
  • spaces between numbers and units (e.g., width: 20 px;)
  • missing hyphens in properties or classnames

🕵🏻‍♂️ In your browser, use dev tools to explore the problem

  • Does the HTML structure look wonky? You may be missing a closing tag somewhere.
  • In the CSS explorer, is a declaration unexpectedly marked out? This means the code is either broken or is being overwritten by another declaration.

🔲 Isolate the problem by commenting out code that you think is unrelated

◻️ Start fresh; create a new Glitch and retype the code you think is creating the problem.

  • Don’t copy and paste, as that would negate the purpose. This is a fine way to catch misspellings or missed elements, like a unit or bracket.

👀 Ask someone else to look at your code (ideally, either on GitHub or isolated in a Glitch so they can muck around a bit)

  • Their fresh set of eyes may catch something you’ve glanced over.
  • Your colleague may understand a specific bit of code better than you do (e.g., they may know that a value is invalid for the property you’re using).

💡 Take a break

  • Exhaustion and mounting frustration do not make for clearheaded troubleshooting. Even walking away for 5-10 minutes can help you reset.
  • I know this is hard to accept when it’s an hour before something is due, so try to give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.

💾 Catch mistakes earlier by saving early, saving often and verifying your changes in the browser

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