2 min read


In HTML, you can create two different types of lists: ordered lists and unordered lists. The list is created by nesting list elements (li) inside a parent element that identifies the type of list relevant for your content.

An ordered list should be used for a list of items where the order of elements is meaningful, like the steps of a recipe; in an ordered list, the list elements (li) are wrapped in an ol element:

  <li>Mix sponge ingredients to a method of your choice.</li>
  <li>Divide between two tins.</li>
  <li>Bake for 25 minutes at 180° C.</li>
  <li>Add jam in between the layers and assemble.</li>

This would result in Example 1 below:

Any list where the order is not relevant should be wrapped in an unordered list (ul), like Example 2 above:

  <li>4 eggs</li>
  <li>225g butter</li>
  <li>225g caster sugar</li>
  <li>225g self-raising flour</li>
  <li>2tsp baking powder</li>
  <li>450g raspberry jam</li>

As you can see, the markup is essentially the same; you only need to change the parent element to switch between an ordered (ol) or unordered (ul) list.

In general, unordered lists are more common, but it is helpful to known and understand when an ordered list might be relevant. Common places where lists are used in web design include:

  • site navigation
    • including breadcrumbs, like the navigation at the top of this page
  • lists of social media accounts
  • lists in your content, like this ☑️

The actual look of either type of list – including what the list markers are – can be modified by using CSS. As a result, you should always use the semantically appropriate list type, even if you don’t want the final result to have numbers or bullets in your design.

Both ul and li are block level elements unless otherwise modified using CSS.

Important notes

It is totally valid and appropriate for li elements to contain other nested CSS, such as links, paragraphs, images, headings, etc.

Their parent ul or ol elements, however, should only contain li elements as direct children.

😺 Do this

  <li><a href="#">A valid link in a list item!</a></li>
  <li><img src="#" alt="A valid image in a list item!"></li>

Not this

  <img src="#" alt="This is invalid!">
  <li>List item</li>
  <li>List item</li>
  <li>List item</li>

This example is invalid because the img element is a direct child of the ul and not nested inside an li element.

You can even nest lists inside of lists, which is exactly what I did above when I made a list of all the ways lists can be used. The HTML for that looks like this:

  <li>site navigation
      <li>including breadcrumbs, like the navigation at the top of this page</li>
  <li>lists of social media accounts</li>
  <li>lists in your content, like this</li>

Note that the li for “site navigation” wraps entirely around that text and the following list.

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