11 // Static site generators


This week, we’ll make sure your questions from the Eleventy tutorial are answered and start to learn some real-world strategies for writing CSS.

What’s Due

Please follow the links for specific details on what’s due and how to submit it. 🙏🏻

  1. Project 4 homepage markup review; DM Angelique the link to your Project 4 GitHub PR
  2. Project 4 homepage styles
    start of class next week

Sync Up

  1. Review SSGs and 11ty
  2. Review Sass partials
  3. CSS IRL: resets, naming strategies, utility classes
  4. Mobile site nav


Complete steps 3-4 under “Develop” for Project 4

Make this page better.

Found something that's incorrect or confusing on this page? Broken link? I want to know! Open an issue on GitHub to tell me what's up and help me update the page.