1 min read

Week 10 Activity: Eleventy Tutorial

Purpose: This tutorial will walk you through understanding and using some of the functionality of Eleventy before you start from scratch for your Project 4 sites.


  1. Remix this Glitch project
  2. Follow along with the tutorial videos below to modify your Glitch project and learn about the powers of Eleventy.

🆘 If you’re stuck at any point, I’ve created a separate video about troubleshooting Eleventy + Glitch.

  1. Tutorial introduction (6mins)
  2. Layout files: Basics (9mins)
  3. Layout files: Advanced (7mins)
  4. Includes: Basics (6mins)
  5. Sass partials (8mins)
  6. Using dynamic logic (16mins)
  7. Collections (14mins)
  8. Includes: Advanced (14mins)

Want to check out the final project? You can either:

You can also view all the tutorial videos on a single page. Note that the videos are in reverse order on this page. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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