1 min read

Week 10 Activity: Create a simple web form

Purpose: Learn how to create form elements in HTML.


  1. Return to your Project 1 Glitch project and remix that project.
  2. Add a footer element below your poem.
  3. Add a simple newsletter signup form inside the footer element.

Your form should include the following HTML elements:

  • form
  • label
  • at least one input (for the email address)
  • button

Do not focus on styling the form yet; as with other activities, we have to live with the look of the default HTML while we’re making sure the HTML is valid and correct before jumping into CSS.

Additionally, your form will not work – that is, it will not submit information – and that is okay and to be expected at this point.


Follow along with this MDN tutorial to learn the basics of the form element and other HTML form elements:

  1. Your first form (est. reading time: 11min)
  2. How to structure a web form (est. reading time: 14min)
  3. Basic native form controls (est. reading time: 14min)
  4. The HTML5 input types (est. reading time: 12min)
  5. Other form controls (est. reading time: 12min)

HTMLReference.io also has a page full of examples of form elements.

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